
Information for travelers to Belarus



If you are planning to visit Belarus, please, check before your travel information on our website, websites of the Health Service , National Airport Minsk and Border force as well as information from your carrier.

Embassy advises you to take direct Belavia flights from London to Minsk. Flights operate on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Please be advised that upon arrival you may be a subject for screening measures (temperature checks etc., and health/travel questions) and be quarantined if COVID-19 is suspected.


Due to COVID-19 ENTRANCE TO THE PREMISES IN CASES OF EMERGENCY IS ALLOWED IN MASKS ONLY. If you have flu-like symptoms, please refrain from visiting the Embassy.

We also kindly ask you to post visa applications (with the exception of individual cases) instead of applying in person. Additional information and clarifications can be obtained by calling +44 (0) 207 938 36 77 (on business days from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.) or by e-mail uk.counsul@mfa.gov.by.


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Belarusian Diplomatic Missions

All Missions Belarus' Foreign Ministry
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